Success Story

TCFD reporting 2021



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Post AG has positioned itself in recent years as a sustainable company by, for example, complying with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard for sustainability reporting and setting science-based targets in accordance with the SBTi. Post AG planned to report elements of its climate risk management in accordance with the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in its sustainability reporting of 2021.

Our solution

Our experts reviewed the existing drafts and provided feedback so that the report complies with the recommendations of the TCFD. In a second step, a scenario analysis was conducted to derive physical climate risks for Post AG. This analysis included a financial assessment of physical climate risks.

Client benefit

Sustainability reporting of climate risk management is in accordance with existing standards. Post AG is aware of all climate-related risks, because previously studied transitional risks were complemented with physical ones based on our support. The workshops and reporting of the project results ensure knowledge transfer from denkstatt to Post AG so that subsequent reporting of climate risks will be in accordance with TCFD.

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