Iris Kral denkstatt

Dipl. Ing. Dr. Iris Kral

Senior Manager & International Service Lead Sustainability Assessment

“There is no yes or no, because it depends.”

Dipl. Ing. Dr. Iris Kral is a scientist and manager at denkstatt and is a proven expert in scientific methods related to sustainability assessment. In addition to her role as team leader, she is International Service Lead in the denkstatt Group and thus the central contact person for projects and issues relating to life cycle assessment, product life cycle analyses and carbon footprint calculations. Her work focuses on sustainability measures and assessments that are in line with the latest scientific findings and economic interests. Food supply chains and agronomy are a particular focus, and she advises across all sectors.

In addition to her role in sustainability consulting, Dr. Iris Kral puts her career at the service of science. As a Senior Scientist at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, she has an impressive academic CV, not least due to her multiple award-winning contributions:

In addition to her teaching activities, she is a member of the SETA LCA Steering Committee and the BOKU LCA platform. She also contributes her knowledge as a reviewer and guest editor in scientific journals. Dr. Kral is therefore considered a bridge builder between science and business – for sustainable contributions in several dimensions of sustainability.

Experience in sustainability: 10+ years


Core topics

Sustainability assessment

Get a clear picture of your status quo

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Uncover your product’s sustainability performance

Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

Lay the foundations for a sustainable business strategy

Water Stewardship & water management

Start your water stewardship journey right now

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Tackle the sustainability aspects of your supply chain

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BOKU-Energiecluster Factsheet Nr. 2/2022

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