Frequently asked questions on CDP
What is CDP reporting?
CDP reporting relates to significant environmental impacts. This includes topics such as climate change, deforestation, and water security. CDP is a global system for disclosing environmental information and is therefore a highly recognized form of environmental reporting.
What purpose does the CDP serve?
The purpose of CDP is to make environmental impacts measurable and to contribute to change. The environmental impact of their own business activities often presents companies with major challenges. Regulatory requirements are becoming stricter and demands for transparency are also increasing. CDP supports companies in not only systematically measuring their environmental impacts but also communicating them.
What benefits will a disclosure through CDP bring my business?
Disclosure through CDP brings many benefits. Not only is the CDP methodology recognized, but it is also compatible with other frameworks and sustainability standards. As experienced sustainability experts, we see CDP as an important piece of the big picture to support you in your sustainability efforts. For this, reliable data is the basis you can collect through the CDP method.
What is the yearly timeline for my CDP disclosure?
- February/March: The updated CDP questionnaires are published, and companies are informed whether they have been invited to participate
- From April, the Online Response System (ORS) for disclosure will be open. Companies can now upload their answers.
- End of July is the deadline for submitting the questionnaires
- End of the year: Your CDP rating results will be published
Do I have to get invited to participate?
There are three ways to start your CDP disclosure:
- Invitation of the company by investors (for listed companies only)
- Invitation of the company by customers through supplier engagement programs or other industry initiatives
- Voluntary participation without invitation
What information do I have to disclose within CDP?
The specific information that you must disclose depends on the questionnaire. CDP has three corporate questionnaires: climate change, forests, and water security. You can participate in one, two, or all three fields and disclose your information. In general, the required information covers governance and policy, risks and opportunity management, environmental targets and strategy, and scenario analysis.
Does it make sense to participate when I am only at the beginning of implementing corporate climate management?
The questionnaire is structured in a modular way, that allows companies to choose routes of disclosure according to the status quo of their corporate climate management. Our experts support you in finding a cost-efficient and pragmatic approach that reflects the current situation.
Answering the questionnaire thus enables you to identify gaps within your climate and environmental management. After submission, we advise companies to analyze the questionnaire and prioritize topics, practices and structures to be implemented in the short- and long-term in order to continuously improve your performance.