Success Story

Mature sustainability report



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Vöslauer Mineralwasser has been a denkstatt client since 2007. The first joint projects had the goal of building awareness for sustainability in the company and defining corresponding goals and measures. The challenge was to embed sustainability in the company and to build up corresponding processes. With the start of actively taking up sustainability in the company, the necessity followed to show improvements to the stakeholders as well.

Our solution

The need to communicate sustainability externally is why our sustainability consultants supported the creation of the first sustainability report. Over the years, support was provided to further develop the sustainability report. In addition to expanding the set of key performance indicators and action plans, compliance with the internationally recognized GRI standards and addressing the SDGs was also ensured. By 2018, the client was assisted in building the models to enable the calculation of the Product Carbon Footprint and Corporate Carbon Footprint, as well as a gap analysis of ISO 14001.

Client benefit

Today, Vöslauer is known for its mature sustainability report, which was awarded in 2022. The client has established processes that ensure systematic sustainability management. Sustainability is a key strategic element throughout the entire company and is also carried out externally by employees.

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